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A more collaborative future for healthcare in Australia

Doctors sit at the very heart of Australian healthcare.

AusDoc is a community platform that allows doctors to connect and collaborate with colleagues across the medical profession as well as keeping them informed with the latest news, clinical updates and education.


Access pharmaceutical knowledge, service and obtain samples.

New AusDoc Rx.CONNECT puts doctors in control.

A quick and easy way to request samples and starter packs, search and register for events or access pharma sales reps to stay on top of the latest developments in prescription drugs.


Australia’s largest independent community of medical professionals

A better way to connect

Be a part Australia’s largest community of GPs

A better way to collaborate

Join discussions and collaborate with your peers on topics that matter to you

A better way to grow

Access CPD-accrdited courses and up-to-date medical information

Join AusDoc today.

A more collaborative future for healthcare in Australia.

AusDoc is a community platform that allows doctors to connect and collaborate with colleagues across the medical profession as well as keeping them informed with the latest news, clinical updates and education.

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