Would you change jobs for $500K? View the best paying GP jobs on AusDoc Medical JOBS today

Would you change jobs for $500k?

Would you change for a +$500K salary? What about 85% billings, a more flexible working arrangement or a free house and car?

With the new AusDoc Medical JOBS, in one click you can now search hundreds of doctor jobs (click on one and try it out):

We’ve researched over 1500 doctors to understand the key job features that doctors look for when searching and used this to build a new medical jobs platform to make it easier for you to find the roles you want.

In one click you can now search hundreds of doctor jobs (click on one and try it out):

Earn from $350K

High Billing %

Now is the ideal time to start your job search with over 700 doctor jobs to choose from on the new AusDoc Medical JOBS platform.